If you are following the Geek Chic Cosmetics debacle (summary here"
Then they issued a proper apology and are planning to change the name. YAY! They really should not put Phil in charge of communications, he was be a real asshole.
But now certain "customers" are offended because Geek Chic Cosmetics has "given in" and are changing the name. HOW STUPID ARE YOU??? Of all the things to boycott a company over..just.....seriously? Eugh.
Kind of reminds me just how much women in general can also spread misogyny the same as men.
Gamers can be a really petty bunch it seems, especially on the back of Entertainment Arts being voted the worst company ever ahead of Walmart and banks. *sigh*
I'm playing Dragon Age 2 again and I can't express how grateful I am that I have same-sex romance options. It's a huge step from when the pulled a cutscene for the same sex kiss in Jade Empire and an even bigger step from when same-sex options didn't even exist for queer gamers.