This week has been sooooo tiring. Hardly any orders have come in, so I've spent most of my days out in the warehouse doing returns and hurting various parts of my body and just tiring myself out. It'd help if I'd get to bed at a decent hour, but meh.
Last night was karoke for
fault's birthday. No, I didn't get up and sing, but singing at the table happened when Kit got up there and sung Bon Jovi. I have so many talented friends with good voices. I should play on the piano while the rest of you sing!?
Tonight is Lion King. Man, a life-long (Okay, more like forever how long it's been going, so at least fifteen years?) goal of mine is finally being fulfilled tonight. TONIGHT! It feels so unreal. (All my Lion King icons are inactive xp)
My Goo bundle was shipped on Wednesday x3 I really hope it'll reach me on Tuesday!
Week from today we'll be driving to Anime Vegas. I'm still looking for someone to take the last few days. It's hard since everyone is so strapped for cash right now. I even asked Vic if he and Michelle would be interested, but they are flying back to LA on Tuesday. I posted on the forums hoping for a bite. IF ANY OF YOU GUYS know someone, please let me know ASAP.
Aaaaaaaaand it looks like I'll be paypaling a crap ton of monies to Shaina >.>
Mamo goods for Wondering tour!