(no subject)

Apr 22, 2010 08:42

HAPPY BIRTHDAY LALACHOY/ROMEO/CHEY Hope the day is a good one, bb. I was going to be sneaky with gift, but seems to be disabled at the moment *kicks LJ*

Getting off work at 2:30 or so to pick Steven up at the airport from his mission. Wow, these two years have flown by fast and I have nothing to show for it. Kinda depressing, actually. At least I didn't do what he thought I'd do; get married. I'll probably be a litlle AFK for the next few nights cleaning the house in preparation for everyone coming over for his homecoming and viewing of movies he's missed and reruns of LOST that he needs to catch up on. I'm just not excited to add another messy brother in the sharing of my bathroom and commindeering of my vehicle. Considering he got accepted at the school he wants, I hope it won't last long.

Yesterday was Kale and Celine's birthday and it's been AGES since I've attempted Kale, and Celine I've drawn without really making her look much different than Shar, so Kale looks like Sawyer from Lost and Celine is, well, looking fat.

family, friends, art

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