-Goodbye, Ilana. I'm kinda glad that you asploded. You were a bit annoying.
-NO! Micheal, GO AWAY! Oh, I guess you are being useful >.> You answered a question we've wanted to know since season one!
-HurleyxLibby! YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEES. She remembers~ Holy crap, she's still in the looney bin in sideways world.
-Sideways Hurley is so awesome with him being LUCKY and flaunting his funds around. Everyone in town knows and lurves him.
-Desmond at a fast food restaurant seems highly out of character for him since he looks all posh. One by one, Desmond will collect them all >3 Lol Pokemon
-Aaaaaaaand the group is split up again. Dangit, Mr. Manliner, Benry, and Miles! ;o; Well, at least maybe they won't be killed?
-I love the fact that Desmond clearly knows Locke is Flocke and shows no fear. Sadly, it deserved him being pushed down a well!
-OMFG! He gets EVEN! RUNS OVER Wheelchair ridden Locke! He goes flying! Ew ew ew, I just CRINGED so much. Especially since that Locke isn't dead turned evil and *shudders*
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j4ZcDGrTelU (how he got paralyzed in the first place)
FLOCKE! If you killed Desmond, I'm quitting this show! Oh hey, previews show he is alive. Why do I freak out unnecessarily?! HE'S THE FREAKIN' DES! Just PLEASE don't die, Des ;; There's speculation he may be the new Jacob. But, he hates the island. I don't see why this would work out. Right now he's cool to go on the quest for both worlds to get everyone together, but STAYING on the island to keep Smokey there? Don't think so.
Have I mentioned how much I loved last week's episode? Let me say again: BEST EVER.