(no subject)

Feb 03, 2010 09:06

Listed semi by event and what's coming to mind now.

-Stop showing Juliet die, kthx. It's really sad >:
-Oh wow, Jack's on the plane. He looks confused about something. DOES HE REMEMBER!?
-Okay, did the bomb work and fix time? Wait, Hurley won the lottery and is LUCKY? O_O Locke actually DID go on the Walk-about in Australia? (ROCK ON!) Boone doesn't have Shanon with him. Heck yes, I hated her.
-*sees Dom's name in the credits**gets overly excited, which is odd in front of parents* NOOOOOO CHARLIE, YOU PURPOSEFULLY OD'D AND WANTED TO DIE D:? P!Charlie is too emo for me. He hasn't met Hurley and become BFFs.
-Jack to save the day! But Charlie didn't want to be saved >: And gets taken by the cops when plane lands.
-YES! Kate is in cuffs. She's going to prison! ... or not. Guh, I hate you, just die already. Although the scene with Sawyer in the elevator was lovely.
-Sawyers pre-Island hair is also lovely.
-Rose and Bernard are so cute.
-Return of Iraq Sayid.
-Um, the plan is landing, where did Desmond go? IS HE USING HIS SUPER-DES POWERS AND SAVING TIME AGAIN?

Back in island land:
-Wait, wut? The bomb seems to have created another reality. Or is this what happens after they still fix things? Oh show, you really need to stop the time travel acid trip.
-Oh man, Sawyer is pissed. It didn't work and he's not at LAX and his Juliet is still exploded. Or is she?
-Juliet is screaming for help O_O? How did she survive the bomb?
-OH, just so we can tug at the viewers and Sawyers heart strings again. Now she dies in his arms after a sweet kiss or two. GUH THESE TWO ARE SO GUSHY. GO AWAY KATE :K
-aaaaaaaaand Sawyer bb is pissed again. Really, it's not Jack's fault. If Kate didn't have to be a hoe all the time and ran after you on the submarine to tell you to help her stop Jack from detonating the bomb then you would still be together. Go kick Kate in the head.
-I'm really feeling kind of bad for Jack now. He was voted the leader and ever since season four people just don't like his ideas. He keeps trying and fails. Jears.
-OH CRAP I forgot that Sayid was bleeding to death before the whole bomb thing :'(
-I'm really missing Daniel right now.
-Oh snap, Hurley sees Jacob! Wait, he's the only one that does? It's official, Jacob is dead :( Ooo he says take Sayid to the temple! Hurley powers save the day!
-Why don't they take Juliet too? Oh because they have to make Sawyer bury her so it's all dramatic. And so Miles can use his dead people powers and find out what she wanted to tell him "It worked." Huh. How did it work? So does that mean the plane stuff really is another reality/parallel universe?

Back to P-Town (Parallel-Town)
-Where's Claire? >:
-Wow, Jack's dad didn't get put on the plane in Sydney. That SUCKS. Funeral, it is so screwed.
-And the baggage people lost Locke's bag of knives too. It's so sad to see him in the wheelchair again.
-Awwwww way to go Locke, be all Faith and philosophical on Jack like the good 'ol times before you totally went destiny crazy and became the leader of the Others.
-Just die Kate. Oh wait, you stole Claire's taxi and holding her taxi at gun point O_o
-Holy crap, Sun just sold Jin to the cops. Okay, yeah Island!SunxJin is awesome.

Back to the Island
-Oh hey, it's a random Japanese guy and his posse. So that's what happens when people go into that temple, they get beat up by Japanese guy and his hippies and are healed. Oh, they have a majikal spring.
-SHOW WHAT'S IN THE GUITAR CASE! And Ankh? Okay... That only makes a little-I mean-NO SENSE.
-Taking Sayid into the spring. He wakes up only to be drowned by the hippies. Um, thanks for helping hippies.
-Jack is feeling the failure again. Sawyer is pissed again, especially that Kate isn't leaving him alone to mourn his Juliet. THANK YOU!

-Now we go to "present day" island where not!Locke is beating up the supposed body guards of Jacob because he's the smoke monster? o_O Well, that just makes past events a little curious when Smokey has shown up.
-Ben is quite confused and scared now seeing real!Locke dead in the sand (he looks so comfy and content dead in the sand like that).
-At least now it's confirmed that not!Locke was the one dude Jacob was seen talking to in that flash back in the last season finale. How he's majikal enough to be a doppleganger, who knows.
-Noes! Don't hurt Manliner Richard! He's fabulous with his eternal youth that has yet to be explained.

-Back over to hippie-ville They wants to speak with Jack quietly but he says No, STFU.
-Hurley is all O_O
-Sawyer is O_O
-Kate is O_O
-Jack turns to see what everyone is O_O about and
-Sayid awakens from being dead for about an hour and is like "What happened?"


Um, well. That was quite a rush for a season premier. Currently I'm thinking Jacob has resurrected into Sayid.

Okay, Zach and I are now going out on Friday instead since he's not sure when his ward activity will be over. I still may insist we meet in Provo for a little bit. If things go well Friday and he's not sick of me. We'll be seeing Avenue Q since his dad has season passes to the Capitol Theater. I'm a little nervous about it, cause it's not something I would be willing to see. But he wants to, and I can't think of anything else but a movie to see as far as activities. I told him I'm holding him accountable for my scarred mind if it ends up being too disturbing for me and he'll have to owe me something later. Now he's scared. Mwuahahaaha. I'm treating to all-you-can-eat sushi at a place I remember seeing by Banzai. I'm depressed, I need sushi.

I was going to wait until the end of the week to post my Sketch A Day February stuff, but yesterday I drew something apt.

Day 1 - Crappily doodled Celty
Day 2 - Woe is me, stabbity
Also, I colored that Rales sketch from a while back. As always, scanner killed it. His skin is much darker, I promise. Rales tying his hair back~

cute guy gets a tag, lost, art

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