*KEYBOARDSMASH* Traffic, I hates it. Who was 20 minutes late because of it? Yep me.
I came home from work last night to find Dad's truck gone. I called Camron and was like "*panic*WHERE IS THE TRUCK!?!?!?!?!" and he's like all matter-of-factly "Vern and Jenny's cars got taken today so they are borrowing it until they get a new one." Okay, so lets not tell me and give me a heart attack that Dad's truck was stolen xp And I'm not surprised about Vern and Jenny getting the Matrix and Element taken away. They have been avoiding their loan payment for months. Plus, what do they need two cars now for, anyway?
Yesterday I got caught up on Bleach. There are three reasons that usually lead to me doing this. 1) Icon posts 2) Fanart via DA front page 3)
moezychan saying that "It's gotten good". Yesterday was the first reason. I have been very pleased with the last 5 or so chapters. It reminded me of one of the reasons I love(d) Bleach in the first place: The beautiful melodrama of IchiHime! Go ahead, dis my ship. You're just jealous it's canon :p
I have stolen Camron's iPod! Okay... I asked. I will be in the warehouse after I input orders today, and my RCA player only holds 100 songs and I've been living off that for the last month. Tired of the same 100 songs XD I laugh at his playlist names. Currently I'm listening to Linkin Park o.o. Why? Oh, I dunno... probably still in my
morbid mood I've been in the last few days.