Guess who wants to paypal some funds to
simply_shine for the Mamo concert? Das right, moi!
So, I finally got around to making that Soul Eater Best Of I've been saying I was going to make. Somehow, I managed to not include the first closing o.o Whoops. I will upload that when I get home. Other than that, the following includes the OTHER openings and closings, character songs and a few instrumental tracks that I enjoy, because Taku Iwasaki is luff <3
Anyway, this season's conference was quite fantastic. Most talks/sermons centered around change and not stressing about the economic decline. However, my favorite one was given by Jeffrey R. Holland. It was a very powerful talk about being alone. I don't think a direct link will work, but if you are interested: (Then click the Sunday AM tab below the video, then scroll to Jeffrey R. Holland. It's about 20 minutes long.)