Jan 11, 2007 18:59
With me owning a car for over a year now, I've gotten used to driving in the snow. I'm pretty confident now. I can't say I love driving in it, but I have to face it because I got places to go and people to see. It no longer makes me nervous when I drive, but infuriated.
I was yelling so bad at the stupid people on my way home from work. You'd think most people in Utah would know how to drive in snow; considering most Utahn's I know have never left Utah, I find it lame. I was seriously driving 5 miles an hour on the Alpine Highway. There's now a light there to get on, which is helpful and not so helpful. Okay, yeah, there was snow on the road that was now slush from being driven upon and the wind was blowing snow off of the hill, but COME ON! Utah drivers drive like they're not in a hurry to go anywhere. That's why they are late to everything, and then leave early... what the crap? Also all sense of road rules fly out the window when there is snow on the ground. Some guy almost ran into me cause he didn't know how to use a four-way stop, apparently.
I am however ready for snow to be gone. After Christmas and New Years, I find no point to snow. Snow to me is a mark of the winter holidays, so... it can go away now. And I'm dumb and didn't think that it could snow this weekend so my big coat and gloves are at my house in Santaquin. -_-
In some random news: A Tigger hit a kid at Disney World today. Hah, I bet the kid deserved it ^-^