Last Ouran Post... maybe.

Sep 28, 2006 11:00


Now I give you (spoilerless)

Well, DUH Shar, it's cause you love ANY anime that waves a blonde in your face XP. Not true, not true. Tamaki is A reason but not THE reason.

Opon getting into Ouran by curtisy of Katie's brother Sam (WTF Sam???), it was love at first sight. I suppose it was do to the comedy and that it makes fun of all the aspects of "Harem series"'s, High School Drama's, Shonen-ai, Shoujo-ai. etc, and of course Tamaki.

Watching it more I realized: "This series is on crack. There is no point or purpose to it. There is no plot. It doesn't GO anywhere. There's no action, suspense, blood or dripping trauma! WTF do I like this show!?" From someone who LOVES Fullmetal Alchemist, Ouran was quite a stretch (though there are three references to FMA in Ouran: in episode 8 when Renge is teaching Nekozawa to not fear the light she references to Ed's trials. In Episode 13, the school councellor looks like an older Ed. In episode 16 Hikaru and Haruhi find an Ed head toy XD... okay, yeah I'm done.)

When it comes to it, the reason is because of the endearing characters and their relationships to each other. I suppose that's what attracts me to any show. That's the main reason I love Yugioh so much :o. The way they (mostly Tamaki) relate and affect each other, is something touching and nostalgic to me.

It displays a sense of growing up, a spice-of-life, if you will. The characters personalities are all different and attract to each other like magnets. They all have gone through trails to make them who they are when you meet the Host Club, and even from the beginning of the series to the end you see a change throughout.

The music ALWAYS plays a part in a good show or movie. Without the music, Ouran would be soulless and empty. The modern classical, mixed with ageless classical music gives the series a beautiful innocence.

Ouran's Art is very beautiful and simple. It's not like... Trinity Blood and Chrno Crusade detailed, BUT it's shiny and pretty to observe even if you don't like the show. The charater designs and background are just goregeous. You know you like my screencap spams ;). Even if the episode isn't about Tamaki, I still download all 600-1,000 + screencaps, because the art is very beautiful. I can't think of an episode where there was a BAD art day. I like the anime more than the manga in that sense cause it's more pleasant to look at.

Last but not least, the mass amounts of symbolisim that comes with Ouran. Someone in the Ouran community took the liberty to analyize all the symbolism used in the show: here. This link does have spoilers, so beware. Though after you've seen it all, it makes a very neat and educational read.

So... there you have it, my reasonings for loving this show. Tamaki is the character I obsess over yes, but there's more about him being a bishy that I find attractive about him, being his very personality. Then my ultimate OTP at the moment X3 TAMAKIxHARUHI!!!!! SQUUUUUUUEEEEEEEE

Thank you Bones. You are a wonderful studio. I will not backtalk you about your cool animes that end before the manga. I love you!

Which leads to reasons why I don't like the Ouran FANDOM. There are too many creepy Ouran fans (ie the yaoi fangirls). They are the least intelligent fans I know when it comes to obsession. And the mods of it are freaking nazi's.

Now... I'm off to go buy the manga, cause I need to always have Ouran in my life ;_;

Not convinced to watch it? Well... I don't know what else to tell you to convince you XD

Tomorrow is my last day in Lehi ;_; Umm... anyone going to be around to help me? Cause I'd really appreciate the help *_*

And I also find a great refuge for my YGO crack @ playthedamncard OMGYEAHS!

ouran, fandoms

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