I love Fridays, Fridays have become what they were when I was in Jr. High/High School: it's the weekend, you can stay up late, have sleep overs, and Saturday Cartoons in the morning, there's still that excitement of a weekend! And I don't work on weekends, so it's like a party every weekend. Does anyone remember that block of shows years ago on ABC called TGIF and it had Boy Meets World and Sabrina the Teenage Witch? I do, I kinda of miss it.
*looks at staff and clock* NOES! It's not even two and I'm doing the last job right now -_-; today will be a LONG day, hating it already. At least I'll get some Policies done and get that line of work done. I guess it's fine cause I've had two days of Part Comping Renewals, and I have to do another XL Greenwich Application, I'll scream! Ahem, that's the most detailed I've gotten about my work I think.
Anyway, I freaking love
kihanna. If you threaten her in any shape or form, I'll find out cause I got like 'Kihi-senses' and they tingle, and you will suffer a horrible death! *huggles Ki-chan*
His Cheesburger (I will redraw this and make it prettier, but here was my boredom of yesterday, for those I haven't shown.)
Okay, I'm done with staff, but it looks like they are having a meeting in the other room where I do policies... shoot, I don't want to file. I'm still sick, I should get some medicine. I wanna go home and play Vietiful Joe, that I do. Then I'll wake up in the morning and watch Viewtiful Joe cause it makes me laugh, and think about the cartoons I used to watch when I was younger. Then I'll smack WB for depriving my of new episodes of Yugioh. Come on, 11 episodes left, they are so mean to prolong them so.
Okay, I found this really awesome moodtheme that I want to use, but my compy is crap... so I'm willing to bribe someone *coughki-chan* to set it up for me. The images to download are
here, so I just basically need to upload them to LJ.