Let them taste the bitter lost mistake of you

Mar 08, 2004 02:59

Amazing weekend, I was in such a great mood the minute I got home. Didnt even do anything out of the ordinary... friday stayed home with Sheena, saturday went to Justin's a while.. played some games, etc. And when I get back here... -_- I don't even know what it is about this place, I just dont belong here. And I can NOT wait until spring break. Wrote this out of bordem. Goin to sleep. Night.

The child fears what the aged man accepts,
a life of knowledge and persistence,
suddenly stolen by darkness.
What do the dead care of his accomplishments?
The fears of the child diminish in time,
as he is trained what is right and wrong, good and bad.
A grown man must not question the ethics,
for that is childish, for he would be cast aside.
The child is now a man,
driven by fear and pride, his views are unquestionable.
His life drained by time, not a soul is left to question,
what is important? What is not?
I have failed to mature, failed to see the truth.
How do I respond to this curse upon me?
Perhaps the numbness of adulthood is soothing,
but I fear I will never know.
What if things were different?
And what does it even matter in the end?
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