I'm Back!

Jan 27, 2008 02:05

Hello everyone! I know its been quite a while since I really wrote anything, but I feel like I want to use my journal again. I actually felt like writing before work, but I didn't have the time, so while I was sitting at my microscope, staring at chromosomes without a clue as to what I am supposed to be seeing, so I decided to write out what I wanted to post and would copy it out when I got home to be posted.

So, I will update those of you who are still around or interested. I finally am back in school, last semester (Fall 2007) I took Organic Chemistry I because I need Organic II and I won't take that without a refresher in Organic I. I also took Calculus I because I need physics to get into a master's program and I can't take physics without having Calculus. Bah, I don't care for math, really. Oh well.

I am tired, working 40 hours a week and taking two classes, this semester Organic Chemistry II and Calculus II, is hard. Especially because I have class starting at 8 o'clock in the morning, 4 days a week and I work those 4 days starting at 2:45 PM until 11:15 at night. So getting enough sleep half of the week is a race to catch. I switched my work days so I could have two days off from both work and class, although they are not back-to-back, and that helps. Last semester I had 4 days of both work and class, 1 day of work with no class, 1 day with class but no work, and 1 day of neither. It wasn't fun. I did well, though. I made an A in Organic I and a B in Calculus I. Almost had an A in Calculus, the grade was an 87. For the trouble it gave me I am happy. I hope to do so well this semester. Calculus II is proving very hard and we have only had a couple weeks of class and haven't had the first test. It's kicking my butt and I hate it. I must try harder and actually DO my homework. This is proving harder than anything else at the moment. I don't look forward to Physics, anymore.

In the non-me news, those of you who know my sister, the one with whom I live, will already know, but others may not, so, my oldest sister, the one who lives across the country, is pregnant with her first child. I will soon be an aunt to my nephew, by the 6th of February. My best friend from college and three friends at work are also pregnant with their firsts, 2 of whom have just had their kids and the others will soon. Must've been something going around 7-10 months ago.

In the most recent news, this past week has been very weird, both wonderfully good and sick and painful. The week started well because Monday was a holiday so I didn't have class, which was great. I did have work, but that was fine. Monday was wonderful because that was the day my best friend from college had her baby boy. I welcome little Max and look forward to meeting him. :)

I have Tuesdays off now because of school, so I didn't do much that day, in all honesty.

Wednesday was an okay day, another of my friends was to be induced and have her baby. Class and work went alright, but when I got to work I started to feel nauseous. After several hours I gave up and went home. It was awful, I was actually dry heaving, and I really don't throw up often.

On Thursday, I went to lab and that went fine. It was as I was leaving the campus that I was rear-ended. I was stopped completely for heaven's sake. At a junction with no light and I was waiting on traffic so I could merge right. This was at 11:00 AM, heavy traffic on and off campus. He couldn't have been going fast but I was hit hard. I was jerked and didn't know what happened at first. I looked around as saw traffic coming and pulled off the road, since I was now halfway into the lane. It took me a moment to realize I had to have been hit. It was so loud and sudden, I was shocked and didn't grasp it right away. I was also shaking, not from injury but adrenaline and shock. Amazingly, my car had no damage. His did, but my pretty little car was fine and laughing at those other poor suckers of cars. :D Funny enough, I was on my way to see my chiropractor anyway, so I was seen to quickly after the accident. Naturally, I have whiplash and my poor right shoulder is very sore. I was dizzy all night, so I called in and didn't go to work. I will be sore for a bit, worst over this weekend, but the stiffness and soreness should go away soon. Although I didn't find out until I go to work on Friday, one of my friends from work had her baby Thursday morning. I welcome Sadie, I'm sure your mommy will bring you to work soon so we can all meet you.

Friday went alright, although I skipped Organic because my chest was hurting as well as my shoulder and. lately, probably due to the cold weather, when I go to Organic and have to walk the distance from the parking lot and take the stairs, my chest hurts very badly and I am panting and shaking for half an hour later. I couldn't deal with that, so i skipped class. It's okay because we are working off a powerpoint and I like Organic (far better than Calculus), not to mention I am reasonably good in it. So, all in all, a great week for my friends and a so-so week for me. I was sick and in an accident that has made me sore and stiff (very), but two of my friends had their babies! Quite a week, huh?
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