Aug 05, 2008 20:56's perfectly legal to bike on the street!!
In fact, in certain parts of the city (downtown), it is ILLEGAL to ride on the sidewalk.
Not only is it legal to ride on the street, it's safer for me. How many times have you nearly hit a pedestrian or a cyclist crossing a drive or a street as you turned into a lot or out onto the street? Drivers are not watching the sidewalk. And do you know who loses in a car/bike crash? I do; one of you imbeciles hit my sister this morning, just across from the Val's at 35th and Holdrege.
You may not like seeing me on "your" streets, but at least you can see me.
So I'm sorry my taking up a lane going 15-20 mph puts a cramp in your style. I really am. I know it's a real hassle to slow down for three seconds to get in the other lane and go around all five feet of me. But I am just not comfortable with a few thousand pounds of metal passing two feet from me at 40 mph, so on streets with more than one lane, I WILL take up the outside lane.
I am even more sorry that the prospect of arriving at your destination ten seconds later makes you want to lay on your horn, flip me the bird and scream obscenities. It is not my fault you left late.
I am sorry you and your 15mpg SUV are polluting our planet. I am sorry you are selling the souls of my children to Saudi Arabian oil barons.
I am sorry that you, in the comfort of your air conditioned vehicle, will continue to drive through at Mickey D's on the way to your couch. Way to keep America the fattest country in the world (aside from Kuwait and seven island nations out there in the Pacific).
[By the way, to the lady in the minivan at 16th and Vine today: you can bet your bottom dollar we suspect you were not as angry about us "being in your way" as you were jealous that we are still physically fit enough to be out on our bikes, enjoying the day.]
This is my alternative to paying upwards of $50 to fill my tank. This is my alternative to Lincoln's unfortunate public transportation system. This is how I get to work, this is how I go grocery shopping. I am not doing this to piss you off.
My bike is cheap. My bike is energy efficient. My bike is healthy.
Share the road!