
May 22, 2006 09:21



Well, just about. Have to have a short meeting with a professor about finishing an honors contract. Self-evaluation I already wrote, and reminding him that he has to pass one in too. Hope he gets around to that.

As for summer... I'm working :P Hurrah... Was kinda hoping to see my friends back home for a bit but *shrug*, busy busy busy. Decided not to go to AB this year. Really not interested in it, plus the fact that I really need to save some money... since if I don't get scholarships for next semester... I'm a lil F-U-*-K-E-D. Damn school, why you gotta suck so much?

Saw Boondock Saints with Matt Matt, Jon, John, and Nate last night. Awesomeness... that poor kitty though T_T. ANywho, off to my meeting!
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