hello all!
so i don't have a job anymore which is awesome i don't miss it at all, except for money but i havn't compleatly run out of that yet. School is going good and exams are soon.
Yesterday I was pretty bored so i made a new livejournal and myspace layout *checkit. It's just so satisfing!
I bought and Ipod last week a green mini and I love it! A couple days ago I bought a case for it on
http://www.limelimelime.com but it has not arrived yet. I can't wait
The OC was so good tonight! I like Katyln but I hope she's only on it for a few episodes cause then I'll be sick of her. I'm glad she's going to hook up with johnny too! so perfect. and thats enought of the oc ramblings
I bought a couple new books this week, Sex, drugs and Cocoa Puffs and The Rules of Attraction, it's good to read a book you havn't read twice already. newww
Tonight me and Liz went to shoppers and looked at makeup and I ate a lotta french fries. Arden is at work so I am going up to my bed to read