When life hands you lemons, just say "No thank you".

Mar 11, 2005 15:54

...Or take them, hurl them at Life's sensitive area[s], and run like boody hell.
...or eat the lemon.
...or make Life eat the lemon.
...or feed the lemon to your dog.
...or feed your dog to the lemon.
...or bitch at Life for awhile until it leaves with the lemons.
...or take the lemons, say "Thank you!", and as Life turns & walks away, throw it at the back of its head, make it pass out, get the digital camera, and shoot it (pictures, not bullets... actually, whichever)

I... Am.... going to the show of the talent tonight-o and then to my grandma's to sleep over until tomorrow when my mom and dad are picking her up to take her to the airport. she's going for her sister's 90th birthday (it's a surprise), and her sister lives in Minnesota, I believe. i'm grounded from [censored] all weekend because Liz called from the office on thursday and said we had got to class early from outside... that's a complete and utter bummer. i made ten bruised stripes last night with a rubber band (i even asked mom if that was 'self-harm' and she said 'of course not' ...except she hasn't found these yet... thank god for long sleeves!)...

I've learned that no matter how hard I try, I cannot always cure everyone's unhappiness.
But it's worth a try, isn't it? especially for mouse?
I'll still try. I have to, don't I?
No one else will, will they?

my head in throbbing like an old man on Viagra®'s central member.

all in all, tell everyone around you today (and for the next couple of days... or the next six-hundred seventy-three days...) that I [me] have blueberry muffins from Co de la Cost. AKA Costco.

and dad forwarded an email sent to him by Pascal (the french dude that edits my translations) regarding the recent 3-¶ "Authentication" article.

Apart from all that shit...
Now I'm scared
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