Mar 06, 2005 18:57
happy birthday bro david / gimpy!!!
mom, dad, bros stephen, ben, tim, david, michael, and david's girlfriend Michele (with one l), grandma and sharon came to celebrate for lunch
stephen made all his corny jokes... for example (he made this one up off the spot because i had just randomly blurted "GRAPEFRUITS ahahahaha"):
Stephen: What do you call a drag queen dressed all in purple?
Tim: ...Stephen?
Michele: ...Matt Damon?
Stephen: No, that would just be an ugly drag queen.
Michele: True.
Me: So what is it?
Stephen: A grapefruit!!!
Everyone: *groan*
then we ate (i ate an elephant)-- david wanted dad to make hamburgers and fries (he used probably a garbagecan full of Crisco for them... laaaard); so he made.. hamburgers and fries and hot dogs (oh my) and macaroni salad(s) (one with onions and horseradish) and rice krispy treats and chicken and we had an ice cream cake.
then i took a three-hour nap
my aunt calls them "nappy-poo"s
god is out of the loop
oh and last night mom and I were flipping channels and she stopped on one channel and it showed a woman with much cleavage (nothing too bad) but then the camera moved down to show mini-me humping her leg and we were both very scarred. i still tease her about it. muahahaha.