when i come around...

Dec 26, 2004 01:09

actually, my most interesting present wrapped thing was from bro David.
he had a big brown box, stuffed it with 24 sesame hamburger buns, and stuck a Best Buy giftcard in one of them. inside joke. long story.

got a camera. that was special. it's a nice one.
got some photo class passes with it too.
got 'Ringu'-- can't wait to see it!!
got a music box. i like music boxes. i think i might want to make them when i grow up.
or maybe i could work with the photo manipulation i mentioned earlier.

oh deary me, how i wish it were summer break. or at least a longer break.

it's better than no break.

went to dinner at Sharon's, took a friend.

interestingly interesting, this day was.
up and down, like a roller coaster that goes up and down.

my legs are jittery. my ear is ringing.

oh wait, no-- my ear wasn't ringing. it's Tim's loud french horn music one room over.

apparently dad found out... that's creepy; I don't know how he could have unless he heard me on the phone with Ben that night. But Christmas morning (technically it's the 26th now) Ben informed me that dad was onto him and stephen about the box and so Ben would wait a couple days til the whole shinannigan died down and then he'd give them to me. i don't really know what went/is going on-- I never got the full story. stephen gave me "Dookie" by Green Day but he told me afterwards (away from the parental units-- or as Tim calls them, "the 'rents") that he'd buy "American Idiot" and burn it for me (he didn't give it to me on Christmas because it has a parental advisory thingy).

'Twas refreshing, the pressure then the pull of the jagged-edged nail.
and yet tonight for the first time in several weeks

what can i say? --except that i'm a horny bastard lacking any purpose in life.. (note: it's not always a bad thing)
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