Rant audiobook

Sep 16, 2011 19:52

Rant by Chuck Palahniuk is one of my favourite books. I don't know what to call it, genre-wise. It's not really speculative fiction and it's not really sci-fi, but I love it as an excellent example of how weird and unexpected speculative and sci-fi fiction can be. It's gross and it's smart and it's transgressive and it's subversive and it's funny and it's horrifying and it's joyful and it's sad.

I first read Rant about a year ago now, because after Erinna saw My Chemical Romance's 'Art is the Weapon' trailer her first words to me were "It's just Rant. I can't believe how much this is literally just Rant."

And there are overlaps, certainly. But Rant is also nothing like any other piece of media I can think of, album or novel or movie. It's by far my favourite of Palahniuk's novels.

Okay, how's this: imagine Slaughterhouse Five and Danger Days: The True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys had a bratty teenage son who never bathed and loved Encyclopedia Dramatica and thought that Antichrist Superstar was the height of edgy and profound. If that kid wrote a novel, that novel would be Rant.

The book's subtitle is "An Oral Biography of Buster Casey", and this is one of the reasons I'm uploading the audiobook version instead of the text of the novel. Hearing the different voices enhances understanding of the characters as distinct narrative perspectives, and highlights the patchwork nature of the story. I was impressed by the quality of the performers and believe the recording enhances an already excellent novel.

This book requires trigger warnings for a non-eroticized but graphic description of a rape, numerous descriptions of car crashes, and many scenes of spider, insect, and animal bites.

Rant: An Oral Biography of Buster Casey, audiobook recording, mp3 format, 133MB

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