Tings and stuffs

Feb 08, 2011 10:13

Interesting yet disgusting thing I have learned this week: when sunburnt, white tattoos blister but blue ones do not. I know you're all so very glad I shared that.

Being Human UK remains my very favouritest show in the world, even if season 3 does seem to have this weird theme running through it about how hilarious and absurd it apparently is when normal friendly suburban people act normal and friendly and suburban whilst engaged in non-vanilla/non-monogamous sex.

I'm still an episode behind, but 'Adam's Family' was a great episode emotionally and very funny, even if it did have problematic subtexts about female sexuality with regard to the blonde girl Adam met at the arcade vs Nina's wholesome-normal-monogamous judging (which is hilarious because come on, last week Nina had werewolf sex in a cage, let's not be quite so snotty at the teenage girl for liking hookups here), and the aforementioned kink-as-punchline stuff, and Annie's continued quest to be as dependent as possible on a boy for her sense of worth.

But aside from all those things, the episode was brilliant, and is now its own spin-off webisode series, which means more Being Human UK for me. Yay! Plus, Adam finally called Mitchell on being the smelliest boy in the world, which is two seasons overdue at least.

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