I didn't get a lot of sleep the last couple of nights. On Wednesday night it was because Tropical Cyclone Yasi was bearing down on the town where my father and my baby brother and baby sister live, and I was glued to the grim updates and getting so worried that I eventually asked Erinna to come around and keep me from completely losing my mind.
She came despite the late hour, because I have amazing friends, and we stayed up until two watching the amazing vampires documentary my mother once gave me on dvd, which includes a long segment about a Minnesota couple who are in a long-term relationship with Vlad the Impaler on the astral plane and had him help decorate their house.
Everything turned out all right in the end: Dad and family still don't have power or phones, but managed to use one of the special emergency lines for long enough to call my grandmother and say that they're all safe and sound. I was giddy with relief, but won't ever forget the hideous feeling of knowing that somewhere far away people I love were in danger and there was no way for me to help, nothing for me to do but wait until the danger passed and then get the news of how it went. Ugh.
Then last night I didn't sleep well because I was feeling like a general grumpy hideous disgusting failure. First really yuck attack of the moods for 2011! Happy new year! Blaaargh.
So I am a LOVELY RAY OF SUNSHINE this morning, I'm sure you can imagine. And work is a sick-making level of stress all on its own, so I'm sitting here feeling completely grumpy and terrible and then I feel like a complete shit for feeling like that when my family are all safe and life is good.
Case #183(a) is updated, which is an increasingly rare event. I should add some of my photos from Paramount Studios or something.
Ugh, I suck so much and I am going to fail at being Editor and get fired and die alone and homeless and crazy.
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