Tiny update!

Sep 25, 2010 04:22

Hiii internet! I am at the computers in my hostel in Chicago. Last night I had a panic attack because I'd decided that today would be my Book Editing Day of the trip. But it's been pretty okay! I forgot that I don't actually hate the books themselves, I just hate thinking about how being not-shitty isn't the same as being a not-failure, and the self-hatred which said failure brings. It's complicated being as rubbish as me, you know.

Plus it's pretty fucking cool to be re-reading these stories while I'm in the place where they're set. My hostel's a townhouse, y'see, and Jezz and Beckah both decided that one of the other townhouses on the block is the one where the vampires live in the books. So, neat. But complicated. Ugh. I suck so hard.

Anyway, since Charlie and Hunter are both home now, I raided their facebooks for some of their photos from the trip. My camera is still useless, as chargers cost a heap at Best Buy -- but I did get a phone! Which was ridiculously cheap! My American number for all future visits (and the remainder of this one) is 312 813 2073. Woo!

So here are some phone-photos and stolen-from-facebook photos of random people and things from the last week or so of my life. :)

Charlie and Mary!

Jezz, Charlie, Mary, Kellie!

Mary and Charlie!

Mary, Lindsey, Charlie!

Gerard and Lindsey!

Mary and Charlie!


A gumball machine for grown-ups! (This is at the hostel. It seems like an awesome idea until you see that some of the coffees are decaf.)

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