The aftermath is secondary

Sep 18, 2010 22:32

Today I saw some art. And seriously, you guys, SERIOUSLY, motherfucking seriously, if you can see LynZ and Jessicka's show when it opens later this year, YOU MUST GO, Jesus their work is beautiful. I had to apologise for not having the words to describe it. Seriously moving and clever and lovely and excellent.

I promised them both that I wouldn't post any of their pieces online, however, so there's only a few artworks amongst today's pictures. But I had so, SO much fun.

Me, shortly before Lindsey picked us up to drive us to her studio. On the way, we discussed Twilight and the Wolf House (she loves the fact that 'her' vampire -- Gretchen -- is the most badass of all of 'em) and babies and LA and a bunch of other things that I can't remember.

Kylie couldn't come but SHE WAS THERE IN SPIRIT :D

Pinned on Lindsey's wall. She said it was okay for me to take a picture of it; apparently it's all over the new MyChem album.

We talked about my Joker Jr tattoo (she said my pale skin makes my tattoos look great, which ahaha no, it just makes me look like dough) and my Robins zine, and she said I could take a picture of this drawing on her wall. Gerard did the linework and Lindsey coloured it in.

Gerard drew this in for me (I can't show you the sketch Lindsey gave me, because it's art-show-related, but it's the squid picture she tweeted about a while ago) and informed me that FTWWW stands for FUCK THE WHOLE WIDE WORLD.

Seriously he is the grossest boy oh my god. LOOK HOW HORRIFIED I AM BY THE HOBO BESIDE ME.

Jessicka is seriously the cutest lady in the entire world, I was completely star-struck and she was just a gem from start to finish, I love her so much, so adorable.

AND THIS LADY WAS REALLY NEAT TOO AAAAH I LOVE HER. When I told her that I was going to steal her adorable baby, she agreed that Bandit is very steal-able. It's good when someone appreciates the kidnappable qualities in their child.


Wait! Bonus round! We went out again this evening and saw Andrew MacMahon do a benefit show for a cancer charity. The gig was at Atticus clothing and there were decorated robots on display, which will be up for auction in ebay for charity. Here is Pete Wentz's!

I would have gotten shots of the show, but the place was packed and we couldn't see a thing. It sounded pretty great though. :D

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us trip

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