Lirin was very stuffy and sneezy last night and this a.m. She is still eating and playing however. She is not a lap cat as much as a neck cat. She gets on my chest or shoulder while I'm watching t.v. or reading and wodges herself under my chin. It is like having a fluffy, warm, fur stole wrapped around my throat. One that purrs. And sneezes
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So,yes, I'd be willing to bet you saved your little one's life by not returning her to the shelter. But I'd be willing to bet you could have hacked off your own leg with a dull spork before you could have taken her back anyway -- it's amazing how fast the little furballs worm their way so completely into our hearts!!
We'll keep sending out those good thoughts on your behalf, and you keep sending us happier and happier reports! ♥
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