Trouble in Purr-adise

Dec 26, 2011 09:44

So, just hours after it looked like Suki was coming around (and I posted about the kitty snug-fest) her sneezes turned into a full-blown snot festival. She is miserable and has decided her current condition is clearly My Fault. She has retreated back into the lining of the bed. In the bedroom. Where we all sleep. she came out a few times in the night to eat and snuffle and be miserable and sling snot puddles far and wide. Poor little thing won't let me so much as touch her.

My favorite part is when Lirin runs just out of my reach under my bed and stands beneath where Suki is hiding as cat snot rains down upon her like feline germ warfare. This is not good. I already love both cats, but Lirin and I, since we've been hanging out full time for the past three days, and she has been sleeping under the covers with me, have developed a real bond (she is on my computer desk as I type, playing with a pen like it is the coolest fucking thing on the planet - her enthusiasm kills me). I am going to suffer if/when she gets sick and if it should become serious, I don't think I'll survive it. Her health and well being have been entrusted to me and I don't want to fail the poor little dipshit. (Kill that pen, baby!!! Kill it!!)

Meanwhile, I'm worried to death over Suki as well (much thanks to Skywasblue who took my middle of the night fretful e-mails. You are the best, you know. I wish you lived a fuck of a lot closer!! Arg.)

I'm basically feeling put upon by the universe in a "why can't I just have something nice happen for once?" sort of way. Anyway... Assuming I can get myself under the bed and sever the box spring lining with a knife in order to surgically remove Suki (which she will no doubt love me even more for), she has a vet appointment at noon. This will be covered by Lied Animal Shelter, since they cover URIs for 14 days. However, the financial burden isn't my primary concern right now. My bedroom was/is the "cat safe" room where we sleep and where I was planning to leave them when I went to work tomorrow. I don't fancy the idea of Lirin having free run of the house (she's into everything!) while I'm gone and the other two rooms are a tangle of wires and cables and computer nonsense. I'm not even sure why I'm considering separating them at this point anyway, since Lirin has already eaten and drunk buckets of Suki's tasty and abundant mucous (I got a mouthful myself, actually, but I'm not worried about that).

Not loving this. Tell me everything will be fine. Skywasblue, how long will it take for Suki to get better? When will I know if Lirin is getting this? do you think Lirin will start hating me when she gets sick as well or, since she knows me better, do you think she'll let me comfort her (or try) a bit? *sigh*

I want my feline family well and happy and snugggled in bed with me dammit!! Stupid animal shelter. Try to do something good, I tell ya...
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