So the Valentines Smut stories are all really great - I think there has been a real improvement in the writing across the board and Saiyuki writers were a talented bunch to begin with. Sadly however, there aren’t nearly as many readers and reviewers as there used to be.
So, if anyone wants to take a shore leave from the starship enterprise or leave the supernatural twins to travl on their own for a bit, then come visit the still-fascinating world of Saiyuki and some Grade-A Smut. C’mon over and read, read, read (and leave feedback once you do!!) Some of my favorites this year:
Forces of Nature’ve been requesting a Hakkai/Gokumen Koushou for three years now and someone finally stepped up to the plate and swung. And this is a home run for sure. There is delicious angry sex and Youkai!Hakkai. I loooooove it and it was well worth the wait.
Free Wine is the best Hakkai/Sanzo I’ve EVER read. It is that simple. It is a challenging pairing - keeping two very reigned in characters in character while getting them to let loose is difficult to say the least. This author anon managed it. It is utterly believable, has a lovely Hakkai POV, and the writing is elegant and evocative.
No Such Thing as a Sure Thing Except When it Is’m not normally into seeing our boys in girls clothing, but this fic has such a beautiful comic tone, a perfect Gojyo voice and smokin’ hot sex, that Gojyo in pink undies was more than acceptable. Read, laugh, lust and love.
Those are just a few of my favorites for now. I’m sure all of the authors would appreciate your attention. And, since there is a 5,000 word limit on this exchange, the fics are delivered in valentine’s chocolatey, bite-sized pieces. Enjoy ♥!