Feline Treachery

Jul 16, 2008 13:32

After 17 years of care and affection, my cat has decided that she, in no uncertain terms, prefers my housemate jedishampoo to myself. Does jedishampoo feed Nina off of her plate? Does she change her litter? Pay her vet bills? Let her sleep in her bed? No. The answer to all of these questions is no. But there it is.

Nina (aka: U-cat-ko Sanzo, Dr. Nii-na) now must sit on the sofa with her back to me and at least one paw on jedishampoo’s thigh. This was amusing for a while, because I could scratch Nina’s back and get her to flex her claws into J’s flesh. Ah, endless fun.

However Jedishampoo (who is the cat-whisperer) somehow managed to convey to the faithless feline that this behavior hurt and was unacceptable, so now she flexes WITHOUT CLAWS.

In seventeen years I have been unable to bring across the simplest of concepts (down, come here, don’t make me bleed, get off the counter, stop shredding the furniture, etc.) and somehow J communicates: “Excuse me, but it hurts when you dig your claws into my thigh. Might you consider slightly modifying your behavior?”


Pictures of treacherous cat loving my roommate more than me under the cut.

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