Fic: Say "Ahh," Hakkai/Gojyo, NSFW

Jan 01, 2009 19:46

Title: Say “Ahhh!”
Author: sharpeslass
Rating: Oh, so very NSFW
Pairing: 85
AN: A little smutty AU, written for the Minekura Kink Meme, prompt was: Hakkai/Gojyo, medical fetish. Examination table with stirrups, thermometers, anything ensuing in sex. no noncon, please. AUs will be loved. I wasn’t going to own up to this one, but my fabulous beta jedishampoo and my test readers caeseria and kansouame have encouraged me otherwise and so here it is. This is possibly the silliest thing I have ever written and that is saying something.

Say “Ahhh!”

“Errr?” Gojyo looked at the stirrups on the examination table nervously. He’d been to a few doctors’ offices in his lifetime and he was pretty sure this wasn’t right. “Ah, that’s just for chicks right? I mean, don’t you just gotta feel my balls and tell me to cough? Maybe stick a finger up my ass... on a good day?” Doctor Cho regarded Gojyo through his wire-rim spectacles, his expression unreadable.

“I’m sorry, Gojyo-san. I didn’t realize you were a medical professional.” He pushed his glasses up with one long index finger. “Where did you study?”

“Hah...” Gojyo found himself gauging the distance between where he sat (in his crepe paper dress, with stylish back-vents) and the door. Doctor Cho’s eyes seemed to be gleaming just a bit more than usual. “Nah... I’m not... I mean. It’s just I’ve never...”

“Very good, then,” Dr. Cho said crisply. “Up on the table. Feet in the stirrups.” He paused and Gojyo found himself moving toward the table, keeping his exposed ass toward the wall. “If you are very good,” Cho continued. “Perhaps the nurse will give you a lollipop.” Where was the nurse? Gojyo thought she was supposed to be around for this type of exam. He closed his eyes and slid his naked ass onto the strip of paper laid out on the examination table. He took a deep breath and settled back. Opening his eyes, he focused immediately, and with some surprise, on a poster hanging above him - stuck flat to the ceiling. It depicted a small kitten, clutching at the branches of a tree and, clearly, about to lose its grip. “Hang in there!!” was printed in exuberant kanji. Gojyo lurched upward, ready to seek escape, when he felt a light tap on his bared thigh.


Dr. Cho regarded Gojyo from between his spread legs, a small patient smile on his face.

“Please relax, Gojyo-san. This is all standard procedure.” Gojyo clenched his eyes shut against that oh-so-pretty green-eyed gaze. He suspected that the strangeness of the situation was the only thing preventing him from displaying exactly how pretty he found that gaze. Oh, yeah. He’d been beating off to thoughts of his doctor for months now. He hadn’t shown it.. not yet. But last time had been close. He’d derailed a talk on condom use by very specifically explaining just how he’d contracted that particular case of chlamydia. He could swear - would swear - that Dr. Cho’s hands had been shaking when he’d finally administered the penicillin shot. Gojyo had enjoyed that, but now the tables seemed to have been more than turned. Gojyo breathed deeply - trying to forget that his legs were spread and that his privates were just sorta hanging out for the world, or at least Dr. Cho and the damned kitten, to see. “Arms to your sides, if you please, Gojyo-san.” Gojyo obeyed without thinking, and as his arms fell naturally into the two cylindrical arm rests, they closed with a soft hiss of expelled air around his extended forearms.

“What the..!” He knew this wasn’t right. “Mother fucker!! What the fuck??” Warm hands stroked over Gojyo’s exposed testicles and his protests were cut off in a surprised exhalation of pleasure. Okay... it wasn’t completely not right.

“Gojyo-san,” came the cool and collected voice from between his knees. “The restraints are for your own protection. I have some very specific tests which I should like to run and it will be important for you to remain still and...” Dr. Cho leaned forward and, as cool, clinical fingers stroked Gojyo’s balls yet again, a warm huff of breath ghosted across his exposed dick.

“Mnnf! Fuck!!” That was it. Gojyo turned his head to the left, facing the wall - no kitten. He was hard. It had only ever been a matter of time anyway, he thought. And there was going to be a positive to this, he suspected, because, honestly, the exam was freaking him out a little and now that Doctor Cho knew what kind of pervert Gojyo was, he would just let him go - push or kick him off the exam table and shove him on out the door. For good. Great. New doctor, hopefully female. That was all okay with Gojyo.

“Very good, Gojyo-san. Excellent response.” Gojyo shot an astonished look at the doctor, who was positively beaming at him from behind Gojyo’s erection. “I was considering referring you to someone else, you see, but now,” Doctor Cho rose and began peeling off his latex gloves - wasn’t he supposed to be putting them on?? - “Now, I see that this course of treatment is fully advisable.” Gojyo pulled against the arm restraints as Cho came around and leaned in toward him.

“What the fuck?” Gojyo asked weakly, dimly aware that he was getting kinda repetitive.

“You do want to be healthy, don’t you Gojyo-san?” Cho leaned forward as he spoke, pretty eyelashes fluttering on cheeks whose high color belied his smooth tone.

“I am healthy!” Gojyo hated the panic in his voice. Was this what it seemed like it was? How could he not have seen this coming? Sure he’d teased the guy... a lot. He’d thought about him... also a lot. But he’d never expected the straight-laced, scholarly Dr. Cho to take the bait. The bait? Gojyo wriggled and found arms and ankles firmly locked in place. He was the bait all right. He shot another glance at Dr. Cho’s eyes. And he’d caught a fucking shark. A tongue flicked out over parted lips and Gojyo’s hips rose slightly in an utterly unpremeditated response to the sight. Fuck. He was fucked... possibly literally. “Dr. Cho..” he started and a long slender finger pressed itself between his lips.

“Shhh...” Cho whispered. Gojyo groaned in spite of himself. The finger probed within his mouth, pressing the tip of his tongue and Gojyo caught at it and sucked.

“Ah!” Oh, that was better. Tied or not, Gojyo was always in charge. He rolled his tongue around the slender digit. “Please, Gojyo-san,” Doctor Cho was struggling to bring his words out evenly, but was still managing it, damn him. “I would like... aha!” Gojyo sucked deep, and grunted in satisfaction as Dr. Cho’s eyes fluttered closed. Then, abruptly, Cho withdrew his finger and turned away. He leaned against the office’s small stainless steel sink, facing away from Gojyo and remained still for several long moments - time enough for Gojyo to once again recognize the maddening vulnerability of his position. His eyes roamed the room, from kitten to desk, surveying the plaques and certificates hanging on the far wall - “Certified, Chiiang Academy, Magna cum laude, Doctor Cho Hakkai.”

“Hakkai?” Gojyo said aloud, testing the name. The word snapped Dr. Cho out of his trance. He turned once again to face Gojyo.

“Please, Gojyo-san...”

“Gojyo,” Gojyo croaked. “Just Gojyo, please.”

Dr. Cho Hakkai beamed brightly. “Wonderful!” he exclaimed. “This is important. Trust,” he said, leaning in close once again. “Is so important in this kind of relationship, don’t you think?”

“I think you’re fucking crazy,” gritted Gojyo.

Doctor Cho looked suddenly stricken. His eyes slid from Gojyo’s face and his shoulders slumped slightly. He stroked warm fingers down Gojyo’s right thigh as he moved to sit once again between his parted legs.

“This won’t take long.” The voice was brisk and efficient and Gojyo suddenly realized he didn’t want brisk and efficient from this man. All the other patients got brisk and efficient. He was sure of that without thinking about it. Sure that this “special” treatment was for him alone... and he was trying to throw it away. Maybe he was the fucking crazy one. Like he had affection to throw away - no matter how fucking twisted.

“Well,” Gojyo said, raising his hips slightly off the table, his erection bobbing painfully in the vicinity of Cho’s face. “I want you to be thorough... ya, know? I get around a little... and...”

“One cannot be too careful.” A warm hand closed on Gojyo’s aching dick.

“Fuck, yeah. Ex-fucking-actly. Yeah. I wanna be healthy and all that shit.”

“Oh, yes.” The hand stroked and stroked and stroked. “We definitely want that.”

“Ah, God!!” Gojyo’s hips rose again and he was so close that the kitten above him was suddenly three kittens and they were all swaying precariously

“Ah!” Gojyo’s doctor suddenly released him and Gojyo grunted, thrusting into empty air.

“Fuck. Don’t...”

“Reflexes, good.” Cho was marking something onto a clipboard. His voice was smooth efficiency, but his face was flushed. “Testicles, no lumps. Blood flow, circulation... excellent.” Dr. Cho paused in his writing to lean forward and give the tip of Gojyo’s leaking cock a quick lick. Gojyo’s eyes rolled back and he thrust up, but Dr. Cho was no longer touching him. He had moved away and was pulling something from a small drawer. Gojyo let his eyes fall shut and listened to the sound of his own breathing. It sounded rough and ragged and far, far away.

“Hakkai,” he groaned. “Doctor Hakkai.” Oh that sounded too much like begging, and where was the man? He slitted his eyes and saw for himself. Dr. Cho was standing near his feet, a tube of something viscous and shiny clenched too tightly in his hands and spilling in strands out over his fingers. His lips were parted and he was staring down at Gojyo like he was starving and Gojyo was an all-you-can-eat buffet. The doctor’s breathes were coming out in even pants, punctuated by the up and down thrust of Gojyo’s hips... and oh, god , he was not doing that? But yes he was. Completely without conscious effort Gojyo was raising and dropping, fucking the air in some kind of fruitless dance, all, apparently, for Dr. Cho’s benefit. Gojyo groaned again. “Fucking help me, Doctor Hakkai,” he slurred, trying to put at least a ghost of his usual cocky grin behind the words.

Hakkai unfroze then, pushing his glasses up with a slick hand, and smudging his spectacles heavily in the process. He seated himself in the chair between Gojyo’s legs and Gojyo’s eyes fell shut again as he loosed an anticipatory groan.

“Prostate health is of the utmost importance, Gojyo-san,” whispered Dr. Cho. “I am now simply going to test for any abnormalities. Please... relax.” A slick finger invaded Gojyo’s body and, reflexively, he struggled to escape the invasion, writhing on the exam table. “Please, Gojyo,” Dr. Cho’s voice sounded slightly panicked. “Please relax. It will be easier.” With an effort, Gojyo ceased his struggles and sank down, impaling himself hard on the long wriggling finger. It was barely brushing a spot that was sending slight tremors into his dick and throughout his whole body. But it wasn’t nearly enough. He was wanting and aching and it wasn’t enough. He huffed in frustration.

“Ask me,” came the cool voice through the heated pounding of Gojyo’s blood.


“A doctor can only really do his best work if he listens to his patients.” A burning cheek rested against Gojyo’s inner thigh. “Tell me what your symptoms are, Gojyo.”

Gojyo got it. “I hurt man, I mean... doctor. It fucking hurts.”

“Could you be more specif--”

“My dick hurts! My dick hurts and it, oh God... It needs to be sucked. And that place you’re fucking touching, it needs to be touched more... and harder.”


Gojyo thought maybe three fingers were in him now. His thighs hurt from the straining, but he clenched the muscles inside himself, clutching desperately to bring those teasing fingers into heavier contact with that elusive spot. Cho was seemingly immobile, what the fuck was he waiting for? What did he.... Gojyo would do anything, say anything...

“Fuck! Doctor, Hakkai, please, please, fuck me!!”

Three fingers closed and pressed deep inside of him as wet heat enveloped his cock in a heavy, damp suction. Gojyo’s head spun as he was spread and probed and lapped at and milked in turn. He didn’t know if his eyes were open or shut, could barely hear the soft gasps and pants that Dr. Cho was making around his engorged cock. White light, black spots, sharp pains deep within and no fucking kitten posters. He was right on the edge when the mouth abandoned him and the fingers withdrew. He felt the chafe of cloth against his bare skin and opened his eyes. Cho Hakkai was right on top of him now, and he took his kiss and returned it with naked want. He’d never kissed a man before, but it felt like he’d been kissing this man all his life. It almost made up for the emptiness he was feeling down below - almost, but not quite.

“You can’t just...”

“Please, Gojyo. I am the doctor here,” Doctor Cho murmured into Gojyo’s mouth. And Gojyo felt a fumbling between his spread legs and then a hard, thick pushing and it was never going to happen and then it did. Stars arced across his vision and he saw the fucking kitten before his eyes rolled back in his head and he may have blacked out but it was only for a second and when he opened his eyes again it was to see Dr. Cho Hakkai above him. His head was tossed back and his eyes shut tight, mouth open and working, forming soundless groans as he thrust in and out, thumping himself relentlessly against that spot - pulling and pushing, slicked and numbing. There were too many layers of feeling - too many nerve endings that had never been touched and Gojyo wanted to wrap his legs around his doctor, wanted to wrap his arms around him and he couldn’t do either; he could only lift his hips up to meet each welcome, hurting, brilliant thrust.

The space between them where naked flesh met naked flesh was drenched with sweat and the residue of Gojyo’s leaking erection. The friction of his cock on Cho Hakkai’s abdomen was nearly as exquisite as the roiling friction within. There was only one thing wanting... Hakkai began to moan into Gojyo’s mouth and, as he did so, reached out, tapping something and freeing Gojyo’s arms. With a relieved groan, Gojyo brought them, tingling but still moving, to wrap around Cho’s shoulders, pulling him in tight. Then the spring within him uncoiled and he thought he might have screamed. Dr. Cho swallowed that scream in a frantic, gulping kiss and spilled himself, with his own groan, into Gojyo’s spasming depths. And for a few minutes the roar subsided into blackness and silence.

Gojyo opened his eyes to a kitten poster. His clothes were back on him and the restraints were gone. So was Dr. Cho. He looked around, in a panic. In the brief time he’d been with the man, he had somehow become his anchor and now he felt a little adrift. Fucking stupid, It had been sex. Fucking hot sex. He thought of Doctor Cho’s eyes. He wished he’d been with it enough to have seen them when Cho Hakkai came. He knew he’d come though. Pants or no pants, that he could feel. He shifted a little and winced, then hopped off the exam table. He grabbed his jacket and was heading for the door when it opened and a nurse came in. He glanced at her warily.

“Prescription from the doctor,” she informed him crisply, holding out a sheet from a prescription tablet.

“Yeah, thanks,” Gojyo slurred, taking the paper. He folded it up without looking at it and headed for the door. His body was relaxed, but he still felt unaccountably empty. He thought an evening of heavy drinking was definitely in order. Unless it was one of those prescriptions you couldn’t mix with booze. Then again, what the fuck did he need a prescription for? He reached into his pocket and pulled out the paper. He looked at the prescription written below: “RX: Cho Hakkai,” and slowly smiled. Then he began to laugh. He didn’t follow doctor’s orders as a rule, but he might just be filling this one. After all, the sneaky bastard had prescribed his phone number.


Thanks for Reading!


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