Welcome Sticky-Post

Nov 26, 2012 15:16

Welcome! If you've come to my lj looking for fic, I've organized it by tags. Most of what I have here is Saiyuki fic. To see my other fic (Hornblower, Lord of the Rings, and more), visit Jedishampoo's Webpage.

Click on the links to see fic:

Saiyuki Fics: Hakkai and Gojyo
Saiyuki Fics: Hakkai and Sanzo
Saiyuki Fics: Gojyo and Sanzo
Saiyuki Fic: Hakkai and Yaone
Saiyuki Fic: Ukoku/Hakkai
Saiyuki Fic: Sanzo and Lirin AU
Angel & Harry Potter Crossover Fic
Star Trek Fic
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