Nov 05, 2007 21:33
So, forgive me for having dissertation on the brain, but this advanced research methods course I'm taking is basically forcing me to do nothing else!
At any rate, in my search for research on gestures in language learning, I came across a power point presentation from a professor out of New York. It seems that he did a similar study with a smaller group of people over a much shorter time period. Still, his findings were promising. With nothing to lose, I emailed the professor and asked a billion questions about his study and implications for further research. In my experience, professors rarely write back, if at all, and when they do, it's usually months after your initial email. So, to save myself the agony of waiting and the professor the embarrassment of not writing back for forever, I added to my email my time frame for considering this topic. Well, to my surprise, when I arrived home, there was an email waiting for me from this professor! He was very interested in my proposed study, and asked to set up a phone conversation where we could discuss it further!
Yay! I'm so excited!