A continuing crackfic.

Apr 30, 2010 09:03

Title: "Rabbit at Rest"
Rating: PG
Pairings: Lawford, Harper, Hogan, Sharpe/Wellington (implied)
Summary: Back from the skirmish, Sharpe’s… condition causes many to fret.
Author's Note: For des_pudels_kern, as a birthday present - who is always eager for more of werebunny!Sharpe.

N.B. For this to make sense (well, something near sense) it is advised that you first read Part 1; Cat's Eyes, Part 2; Bunny Ears, and Part 3; Rabbit, Run. Enjoy! :)

Follow the rabbit…*hop**hop**hop*

(X-posted to anything_aos, aninfamousarmy and look_sharpe.)
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