So... yesterday marked several important occasions in my life, I think. It was my first American Thanksgiving, my first Thanksgiving away from home, and the first time I cooked a turkey myself! Well... almost myself. I did the turkey, stuffing and gravy, and my roommates took care of the rest of the dinner, which was excellent. I am posting pictures as we speak, and there are a lot of them, so they're taking their sweet time to upload themselves, so... they'll be in my gallery soon. Just not right now.
So... it was just Josh, Kael and I out of our roommates who stayed in town for Thanksgiving. Everyone else went home to their families. We thought more were going to stay, but, it was not to be. Anyways, Josh invited two of his friends from work, Alexis and Chris, and so there were five of us for dinner. I kind of called dibs on cooking the turkey, as I said, and everyone else was going to take care of the rest of the dinner. Alexis and Chris stayed over the night before, because it rained a lot, and so they could cook with us all day. Josh made breakfast at about 11, and after that we got to work with preparations; I made stuffing, Kael made dough for buns (home-made buns!!) and Alexis did pumpkin bread. Got the turkey all stuffed, with the help of my mom on the phone, stuck it in the oven... then we played the most vicious game of Monopoly I have EVER SEEN. We seriously did not have enough hotel pieces and house pieces to represent how many houses and hotels were on the board. It ended up with a down-to-the-wire battle between Josh and I, and Josh ended up winning. I figured out that as much as people like to say that they like to play Monopoly, it's never a game where people get up from it happy; someone's always beat someone else through some unsavoury means... I mean... yeah, the losers can say they had fun, but there will still be some hard feelings, no matter how much we joke about it, and how lightly they are taken.
Anyways... yeah, after Monopoly, the turkey came out of the oven, the rolls went in, and the rest of the meal started to take shape. We had turkey, mashed potatoes, buns, green beans, carrots, regular stuffing and sausage meat stuffing, twiced-baked sweet potatoes, corn on the cob, and gravy. It was delicious! My stuffing went over really well (both kinds!!), and my gravy didn't suck... everyone was very impressed that I made gravy from scratch, but I guess I've watched mom and Nana enough to know kind of what to do. Anyways, it wasn't the best gravy I'd ever had, but it didn't suck, and that was all I was going for, so it was all right. I have never had sweet-potatoes like those... they were done like stuffed potatoes, only when they were re-stuffed, Alexis added pineapples, and then topped them with marshmallows (yes, marshmallows) and more pineapple. I kind of liked them! They were tasty. The turkey was all right, too; again, not the best turkey I've ever had, but for being a first turkey, it was all right, and everyone seemed to be all right with it. So... it was good!
After supper, we made mud pudding, or rather, Kael made mud pudding, and we ate it. Or rather, not a lot of it, because we were so full. Clean up went all right with five people, but there was seriously a MOUNTAIN of dishes, we had to take shifts in dishwashing and went through about four tea-towels for drying. Guh... oh well. Anyways, after that, we all piled up in the living room floor and fell asleep watching movies, and eating more mud pudding. All in all, it was an excellent day.
Well... I've been at this for like, half an hour, and my pictures haven't gone up yet. And I have to go right away; we're going to the museum of Science in Cambridge today! Yes! Or... rather... we're doing something. So I'm just going to leave them for now, and let you know when they go. Bye!!!!
Edit: The pictures are