Grrrr. In case you couldn't tell, I'm really annoyed right now. Not because I'm not having an awesome weekend (because I am!) but because I seriously don't understand the motivations behind some people's actions, and to be specific, the actions of one person who I don't even know that caused me to have to spend $30 on a bike lock that I didn't really need to spend.
So, last night I went to hang out with Linus and Neil at their place by the Fenway. I rode my bike there, because from my house, riding a bike is faster than taking the train anywhere. We ate supper (which was delicious - Linus cooked, hahaha) and drank some wine, hung out, had some good times, you know the drill. Anyways, by the time we were ready to call it a night, it was really 4 in the morning, and it was really cold, and I was way too tired to ride my bike home, so I just stayed the night. My bike was there in the morning when I went out to get it, but the lock had been cut (I have a cable lock). It wasn't cut all the way open, but it was vandalised to the point where it's useless now, like someone could come along with a pair of scissors or something and just cut it open. There was a little handwritten sticky note attached to the fender that said "Nice bike + Lousy lock = No bike". So... gah! Who the hell does this person think they are?? Like... it's my business how I decide to deal with my bike. And it's really not all that nice of a bike... and I was doing fine with the cable lock! Like... no-one would want to steal my bike. And it's locked up, even if it was with a lock that isn't as secure as some, it would still take some effort to break into, and why make the effort for a bike that isn't worth it? And then, why the hell would you halfway wreck my lock, leave my bike, and force me to buy a new lock? Seriously. If they knew me, that would be one thing. But they didn't leave a name or a number, and no-one I know has given me any grief over using a cable lock as opposed to a U-lock. It's my business. I'm just pissed off that I had to buy a new lock (I did buy a U-lock this time) because someone arbitrarily decided that mine wasn't good enough. I really didn't need to spend that money, and thus, I'm mad. And what if I actually didn't have $30 to spend on a new lock? I'd have been screwed even more. It just makes no sense. (So little sense, in fact, that it causes me to mix my verb tenses. Damn it!!)
So there it is; incontrovertible evidence that people are stupid. And now, if you'll excuse me, I have some tea to drink, and a psychology paper to procrastinate over.