Take My Hand and Teach Me Murder

Oct 29, 2011 10:33


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Doctor Who ashen_key October 29 2011, 08:52:32 UTC
Amy has lived so many different versions of her life, she's starting to forget which version she's currently in.


Re: Doctor Who brynspikess October 30 2011, 19:46:49 UTC
*takes bunny and runs with it*


Re: Doctor Who ashen_key October 31 2011, 09:25:45 UTC
Can't wait!


Doctor Who, Memories Trapped In Time (1/2), Amy and Rory, PG-13ish, Choose not to Warn brynspikess November 4 2011, 05:16:43 UTC
because I suck at following directions - reposting with the correct subject info.


Amy has always been a little bit odd - it's one of the things that Rory loves about her. How she acts makes sense, perhaps not the normal kind of sense - but Rory has spent his entire life watching Amy and he knows how her mind works. So when he wakes up in the middle of the night and she's not there, he has a good idea of where to find her.

It's been a month since the Doctor said goodbye for the last time - even longer since they watched the Doctor die - and Rory thinks she's taking it well, all things considered.

The days go by so slowly compared to their time in the TARDIS, and Rory finds himself getting more tired as each day passes. He had gotten used to being always on guard, always prepared for the next disaster, and now that they're back to real life, Rory's been jumping at shadows and looking for aliens around every corner and it's exhausting. There's no emotional release, no 'We Survived!' rush of endorphins to keep him going, just day ( ... )


Doctor Who, Memories Trapped In Time (2/2), Amy and Rory, PG-13ish, Choose not to Warn brynspikess November 4 2011, 05:17:18 UTC
Amy has always been a little bit odd - but even Rory has to admit it's getting worse. She's been more skittish, looking over her shoulder as she walks down the street, avoiding going out when she can. Rory doesn't confront her about it, knowing that she'll talk to him when she needs to ( ... )


Re: Doctor Who, Memories Trapped In Time (2/2), Amy and Rory, PG-13ish, Choose not to Warn ashen_key November 6 2011, 00:40:34 UTC
....auuuuuuuuugh. Oh Amy. Oh Rory. Ow.



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