Dec 22, 2010 06:38
Just wanted to make a quick post for this because I'm already tired of Cladun again.
Cladun is a nice game, don't get me wrong. It's a nice little hack and slash. One of the points I really like is that you can customize your own characters and play as them. And that's pretty much as far as it goes. They advertised that you could play your own characters and fight your own bosses. But that's not really true.
Sure you get to pick the set form of the boss, and a name. But that's it. It would have been nice if you could perhaps have picked a set body, or battle style; but got to customize the bosses face in the very least. No, you don't get that, you simply have to pick a monster form and colour that you've probably fought multiple times throughout the game already.
I know it's likely a limitation of the system. But it's something that let me down neither the less.
All in all, I do like the game. But there are just some things that just bug me to no end. Really, you will probably be like me and want to play your own character. And you'll probably want to stick with that one character that you made and try to play them all the way through. Or maybe switch back and forth between two characters that you've made. This is what I did. But the leveling up system is so backwards.
Characters can either be played as 'Main' or 'Sub' characters. Main characters are the literal person you are playing. While Subs are put in a magic shield formation of sorts and act as your literal meat shield. I do really like the system. But again, I don't really like the leveling up. Even if it's for the whole friendship theme of the game and what not.
The game works that; if you level as a Main, you get better stats as a Sub. And the other way around as well. They aren't two different levels either. It's just one conjoined level.
So my character that I've been playing most of the game, actually sucks so to speak. They are the best Sub I have. But perhaps the worst Main. Even though that's the class I like and the character I want to play. It's almost like you are penalized for playing what you want to. It's almost like; play everyone else then play the character you want for the ending. Which seems so backwards to me.
Sure it gives more gameplay since you have to play other characters to make 'balanced' characters. But really, it just seems a way to squeeze just that out of it. More game time just grinding.
video games