List of things going on...

Oct 13, 2009 18:10

Concerning Elene, her condition has gotten much worse. She was helicoptered out to Edmonton since there is a better facility there or something. I'm not exactly sure. It's all third hand information that my mom got from a very upset uncle before he got on an airplane to follow after his wife.

Concerning the dog, we're holding out for the moment for getting a dog. The family has agreed to get one. But we decided not to jump on the first good offer presented, but rather get the dog that the family wants; and can make the needs for.

The one we were initially looking at was much too high energy for the life it'd be given in our household. With my parents both back at full time, and myself needing to focus on my courses. There just isn't really the time to focus too too much on an animal.

So we're holding out for something that is more what we want. For size, energy, and companionship standards.

For me, I want a Shiba inu. Always have; always will possibly. They're so cute. <3 No matter what we're getting, I'm thinking Potato (lolz Air TV) or Shiva (more after Streets of Rage 2 rather then Final Fantasy) for a name.

Concerning Xindekai, again holding out for the time being. The boots that go with his outfit are currently out of stock. So waiting a week or more to see if they come back in stock. If not, he's going to be a hobo without shoes.

Concerning thanksgiving, it was good. Got to see Sean and Chenise. Went over to Kalyssa's house as well on Saturday. So it was a lot of visiting and what not. Twas fun. We didn't really do anything special as a family. Which I don't mind. Kind of rather it that way, truth be told.

As for me, I'm doing fine. Just trucking along. I have a midterm to do on the fifteenth. So I've printed off a practice exam to do for studying. Hopefully I don't have too many problems with things. Since everything is mostly formulas and math. The only shit I bet I forgot was stupid graphing for vectors and blarg.

Otherwise, there's a video lab I have to do. And there's two hours of Hell's Kitchen on City. So all is well. <3

Orsiel the bastard from "Flesh and Spirit" is freaking hawt by the way. I hate you Chenise.

dog, drama, school, illness, family, ball-jointed dolls, friends

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