Bleh, just real life drama to vent first.
Dear Mister 'Prince Charming',
You have no idea what it means to be a middle man. You have no idea what it means to be unbiased.
For when you show favour to one side of a quarrel, that means your being biased. When you'll go to someone's house and bitch them out and deliver angry messages for group A. But when group B says they're not interested in the fight that group A is starting, and you won't deliver this message, shows biased standards in and of itself.
When you say your respecting our wishes, and doing the exact opposite, your being a hypocrite. Or completely disillusioned from reality.
Continuously phoning our house even after being asked to stop. To keep harassing myself and my mother isn't a middle man, isn't being unbiased, which is pretty damn obvious. Other then to you I guess. Since your still defending that you were completely fair to everyone.
It appears even after my mother told you on the phone to leave us alone and quit harassing us, that you don't have any princely status. You aren't a good guy. You aren't a mediator in the least.
Since your attacking my friends and trying to justify yourself for your actions. When really, there isn't a justification. You weren't being forced to be completely biased to group A. It was your choosing to continue to show up at our house, call us, with a smile on your face. Thinking you were a friend to us then, pretty much shows how detached from reality you are.
You're a two faced jackal. Who is disillusioned and think you're some grand prince charming. And I know this for a fact. For I know the shit you said behind your friend's backs. But now will turn around and deny. Simply smiling and saying everything is perfect. Since your the perfectly nice guy.
That everything you do is just. And fair. But in the long run, you're just out for yourself.
Your smiles are fake. Your kindness is a joke. Your a scum covered prince.
Never talk to me or bother my mother again. She doesn't need your pretend sympathy with you phoning her in the morning to tell her I'm in a bad mood since she saw it all. All you did was remind her of something she doesn't want to remember seeing.
You are an insensitive jerk. Who's only out for themselves. To you, this situation was never about me. It was always about YOU YOU YOU. How YOU can get in the good books. How YOU can be the hero.
Well, you failed. Horribly. Good job.
With lots of hate, Sharon <3
On another note. I'm really looking forward to Reading Week. It's only in a few more days after all. Sean and Chen will be home around Saturday. Though, Sean's probably going to get annoying when mom and dad talk to him about stuff.
And I may still be done math by Reading Week even with all the retarded in real life drama that's been happening. I've been trying real hard not to focus on the stupid idiots that keep trying to pop their heads up and just work on what's important.
Things Sharon wants to do during reading week;
Go to Regina.
Go to Brandon.
Marathon Air TV
Other then that it'll probably be studying for my exam. Which will be the following week hopefully if things work out.
After that I'll probably maybe be going to Winnipeg for a week or so to stay with some relatives. Just to get out of town and away from all the stupidity.
Joe also invited me to go to Brandon sometime in March (spring break to be more specific) for my birthday. I'm not sure yet. He had some neat ideas on what we could do and such, but still on the fence about the idea. I have a while to figure that out anyways. Sharon is still jailbait until March 24th after all.
Oh, and this is hilarious.
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