Oct 30, 2008 15:45
Pleased to say that I am back to work tomorrow...vis a vis the eyes - I've got a 'floater' which is vitreous jelly floating loose, inside the eye, but nothing to worry about. It usually settles on its own.
After the usual eyesight tests and visual field tests I had the visual acuity test which means my pupils are now the size of dinner plates and I can't read anything but very large print - and I have to wear my sunglasses indoors until the pupils go back to normal. Pressure in the eye is normal too and the retina is fine.
Got a leaflet and offer of treatment if I find it gets worse rather than better on its own. Also apparently have a cataract in the same eye - which will need surgery at some point of my choosing, just need to get my GP to refer me when I feel ready.
Could have been much worse, and just to relieve me even further she said that the cataract would not have been contributory to the accident because my vision with my glasses on is fine and the field is normal - so nothing to do with the lead up to the crash, especially since I've only noticed the grey blurry spot SINCE the accident.
Thanks to all of you for your kind good wishes.
eyesight. thanks,