Oct 29, 2008 13:53
Well following my stupid crash I went in to work yesterday as usual, but half way through the day started to feel light headed and woozy and have trouble with my vision on the right side (the side I hit). I mentioned going to A&E after work (emergency room) to get checked out and they made me go then and there.
Was escorted down to the department by a colleague and then seen by a nurse and later a doctor who decided that they need more tests to determine what was the underlying cause of the visual problem - saying teh rest seemed to be post concussion syndrome but the visual thing worried them somewhat. So the ordered a CT scan for me and sent me through to an assessment ward. Hubby had arrived by then. It was now 4.30 pm. We were told it might take a couple of hours for me to get the scan done as there were emergencies who had priority, but that was fine and expected. However when we were still waiting at 11.15pm we were not so thrilled.
Lots of chasing up various odd bods elucidated the response that there was no way I was going to be scanned that night but that I would be done first thing this morning, that I would therefore be admitted and observed overnight and scanned after breakfast.
I then had to call my own ward to warn them that I would not be in today as I had been admitted. Spent a thoroughly restless night in the hospital which was - as always- too hot sleeping in borrowed jammies and borrowing toothpaste and brush too.
Had the scan this morning at 9.15. got visit from three of my colleagues who came down to see me on their breaks. Was told not to worry about work but to concentrate on resting and getting better. Just to let them know what the scan said as soon as I knew.
At 11.30 the doctor came back to tell me that the scan showed no abnormalities and that they therefore needed to do an opthalmic review to see why my vision is disturbed. The earlies appointment in the clinic was for 10.45 tomorrow morning so I was told I would be able to come home and go back in tomorrow for the tests
(eyedrops to dilate pupils etc....) and no work until the Opthalmic Doctors give me the OK.
So then had lunch and was discharged - went to tell my colleagues and was hugged and cooed over by everyone on duty and told to go home and not to worry....but I do feel stupid and a bit of a fraud when it is really only my eyes (though I can't concentrate on filing and walking around is a bit tricky) that are the problem.
So here I am at home on a work day with only one good eye and a slight headache - feeling pretty dumb.
Thank you to everyone who sent me such good wishes. All much appreciated.
HUGS to all my lovely flist.
they're querying possible retinal injury which is why the opthalmic review tomorrow...will let everyone know what they say.