What do you know about me? - top 50

Jun 15, 2008 20:37

meme gakked from maygra
and a few others added extra dimensions

1. First Name: Sharon

2. Age: 49

3. Location: Cambridge in England

4. Occupation: Ward Clerk/medical administrator

5. Partner: My wonderful husband of nearly 30 years (on 19th August) who is 12 years my senior. He is one of the nicest men I know. He is highly tolerant of my ‘foibles’ and a very passionate campaigner for equality and fairness. One of the reasons I fell so hard for him.

6. Kids: One daughter - aged 29, who is a journalist and is the partner of a music promoter. She is adorable and makes me proud to be her Mum everyday.

7. Brothers/Sisters: One sister, five years younger than me who I don’t see nearly often enough since she lives so far away - but we are trying to do better at getting together.

8. Pets: none now, had cats, hamsters, budgies, fish, and a share in a rabbit - but I am currently not owned by a pet.

9. List the 3-5 biggest things going on in your life:

Waiting for the ward I was appointed to to open officially (am told this will happen on 7th July)

Will celebrate two milestones soon, 30 years of marriage and 50 years of living.

Hoping to compile an anthology of short stories for pubilcation, and touting a script around the BBC.

10. Where and for what did you go to school?

School was so long ago - but I am sure most of you mean college or University here.
Education for me happened at these locations - Lyndhurst Road Primary, Paulsgrove West Infants, Copnor Road Infants, Copnor Road Juniors, North End Secondary Modern for Girls, Highbury Technical College, Cambridge Regional College and The Open University

11. Career Step -
was a nurse, then a teacher, then a chef, am now back working in health care, but in admin since my health and fitness rule out the caring roles now. Am loving being back in the Health Service, probably should never have left.

12. Parents: Mum and Dad both since passed away, but left school at 14 as kids did in those days, both ended up in the Navy which was where they met. Sadly they parted company after 22 years of marriage - much f their time was spent apart due to Dad’s time at sea - once they were posted abroad together but once my sister was born Dad got more sea based postings and fewer naval base ones Mum stayed at home with us kids whilst he went to sea, often for as long at 18 or 20 months at a time!! This clearly didn’t help to promote a stable married life. Dad found it hard to readjust to a family unit that had its own cohesion without him whenever he came home. His choice of profession - one he adored - made married life almost impossible. He was a hard task master, and a disciplinarian, she was too - but less so. I loved them both in my own way - though we had huge arguments during my rebellious teens - and I miss them both hugely.

13. Who are some of your closest friends?
Most of my close friends live thousands of miles from me... such as Maygra, Candygramme, my closest friend in terms of distance is probably my sister who lives nearly 300 miles away.

14. Who was the last female to hold your hand? My daughter’s boyfriend’s mother

15. Who was the last person to call you? My daughter

16. What is the last non-alcoholic beverage you had? Orange Juice

17. Would you take any of your exes back? NO

18. Did you sing at all today? Yes, Was singing along to Steve Carlson’s new album.

19. When is the last time you cried? yesterday watching one of Wolfpup’s song vids

20. Last text from? my sister about my nephew’s 21st birthday.

21. Are you scared of spiders? not if they aren’t the poisonous kind no

22. Where is the person you have feelings for right now?
exercising in the bedroom.

23. Are you too forgiving? maybe sometimes, though I can hold a grudge for maybe 20 mins (wow)

24. Do you have trust issues? I trust people until they give me reason not to.

25. What are you currently doing? Filling this out, and trying to string some words together for a story.

26. If someone liked you right now, would you want them to tell you? ER....maybe, though I am happily spoken for - it might be a bit too much to be the object of someone else’s affection whilst in a relationship.

27. Have you ever punched a guy? Yes, and he deserved it, he punched me first!

28. Would you go back in time if you were given the chance?
Out of interest to see something I had an interest in, but not my own past I don’t think.

29. What would you change?
- is that about me or about the past? About me, I’d stop myself from procrastinating so much, about the past - I’d work on not having a huge rift with my Dad that meant we didn’t speak to each other for 11 years -then when we got to talk again we only had one meeting where he was able to speak, after that he was unable to speak, move or make himself understood in anyway and I regret that more than anything.

30. What are your plans for this weekend? Spending Saturday on household chores and Sunday with my husband at our daughter's -with her partner and her partner’s parents.

31. Have you ever lived on a dirt/gravel road? yes

32. Have you ever been on a horse? Yes, poor horse.

33. What’s your favorite country song? O lord, so many to mention - currently Rattlesnake Smile by Kane - or almost anything Johnny Cash ever sang

34. Ever done 90 miles per hour down a dirt road? No - they have speed limits for a reason...I see to many results of speeding accidents at work to even want to speed.

35. Are you dating the person you texted last? Nope

36. Is it cute when a boy/girl calls you baby?
my husband calls me “flossie” which is quite cutsie enough thanks

37. What's irritating you right now?
far too many things to mention, but the worst is that the government seem to think that if people don’t agree with them it’s because they are too stupid to understand what they have been told, and not that they have a legitimate grievance/

38. Are you afraid of the dark? um yeah a bit

39. Are you listening to music right now? YES - Rattlesnake Smile is on loop

40. Do you like Chinese food? Love it, was raised on it - born in Singapore after all!!

41. Do you know your father's birthday? 31st of April he would have been 74 this year had he lived.

42. What is the last movie you saw in theaters? I am Legend - not as good as I had hoped it would be

43. Is there anyone you wish was still in your life? My mum and Dad

44. Do you talk to the person you like every day?Yes

45. How many different houses/apartments have you lived in throughout your life? about 17 different places by my count.

46. Have you ever kissed someone 20 years old or older? yes

47. Have you had the chicken pox? Yes one horrible long summer vacation was spent with it.

48. Who knows you the best? My sister - my husband -Maygra and Candygramme

49. Last person to lay in your bed? My husband and me

50. What was the last TV show you watched? Criminal Minds

