"Today is the greatest...day I've ever known"..ok not really

May 02, 2005 21:00

I woke up around 9 this morning, thinking I had a 10 am class. After 5 weeks ya' think I'd know my schedual. I'm special like that.

I didn't want to study or anything. I read for a bit then decided to take a nap. Got up around 11 to get ready for my 12 class, Genetics.

So this afternoon I had my Genetics midterm. I freakin' rock the thing. I feel so good about it. Crossing my fingers for an A. The last midterm was out of 65, I got a 48.5, the average was a 40. Not to bad =) I'm pretty confident that I did better on this one than the last midterm. I was a bit nervous at first because I forgot to bring a calculator. Luckily this awesome chick in front of me had an extra one. Thank you! There was only a few things that I was iffy on. First, since I had a negative interfearence, what exactly does that mean in realtion to Single cross over events? I put, it stimulated it. Looking through my notes didn't help. When we get our test back, or answer key, it will shed some light on this. Second, did I draw the fly phenotypes in Prophase I correctly? I couldn't get the question so I did my best. Third, that stupid bonus question. I totally blanked on how to do a chi-square analysis. Dummy =P

When I got back I still didn't have anything to do, plus it was really really hot. So I changed and read in my room where I laid under the ceiling fan. I fell asleep and took another nap. I woke up like 3 hours later and watched a movie. =P When I'm lazy, I'm a lazy ass with a mission.

Jeopardy was on. I love watching this game. It's one of the few tv shows I watch. I don't watch tv much. I like movies and the anime that I get from Netflix.


ASIDE: I'm kinda bumbed. Not to the piont where I wanna hang my head and mope. Just the kind where I wanna kick the dirt every now and then in quiet dejection. My friends Lorena and Emily, old co-workers, and I are going to Vegas at the end of the month for Emily's 21st birthday. It's been about a month since I've talked to any of them. I've called them and left messages but they don't call back. Have they forgotten me? Do they not care? Is it because I don't work with them (they don't go to college) and don't see them that they don't call me because really, what have we to talk about? =T I dunno what's happened to them. Yea I could call them again but my pride's a lil wounded. The balls in their court. They should call me. I've made the effort to contact them. Shouldn't I expect the same if they're my friends? blah


Edit: OMG Quantum Chemistry is so hard. I'm worried about this class. I have to pass. Why am I so tired?
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