What you didn't want to know

Apr 21, 2005 16:56

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I just got out of my history class and it seems that everytime I'm in that class, I get sad and depressed. The class is about the history of the atomic bomb. How we made it, the people involved, the culture around the world at the time, why we dropped it on Japan, etc.

Today we talked about the Trinity test and saw clips of the actual droppings and explosions of the two Bombs.

FACT: Before we ever dropped the Bombs, General LaMay firebombed cities up and down Japan killing more people than the two Bombs put together. We could have defeated Japan without the Bomb by basically burning everything and starving the entire country.

* To see how big of an explosion they would get, they detonated 1 Ton of TNT. (.1 kilo Tons).

* The top scientists who built the Bombs still had no idea on how big the explosions would be. The conservatives estimated around 1 kilo Ton. The extreme went as high as 45 kilo Tons. One guy was taking bets on the chance that they would ignite the atmosphere and destroy the world.

FACT: The night they exploded a test of the Plutonium Bomb (the second one to be dropped) they called the govener of New Mexico to warn him that his state might be gone or that it would be so horrible that he would be forced to declare martial law.

* Watch a video clip of the test detination of the Plutonium Bomb (to be called Fat Man).

* The first Bomb was dropped on Hiroshima. It was a Uranium Bomb. It was never tested because they were using all of the Uranium they had on the planet.

* To understand the extent of an atomic bomb, they needed to drop them in cities that have been spared the firebombing. One of these virgin cities was Hiroshima. Watch a video clip.

Then they dropped them. First was Hiroshima. A few days later, Nagasaki.

Just makes me sad. So senseless.


I showed this to my roommate and a friend and it makes me even more sad. I wached as they saw the video clips and joked and giggled. At the end, all they could say was "Interesting...interesting..." which is their way of saying "Yea, so what. I don't care"

It makes me sad/mad when I'm here felling like I wanna cry for all those people. They just don't get me.
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