I'm still here

Dec 02, 2004 16:46

Aw my poor livejournal, I've neglected you for so long.

My friend Lorena got me started on a myspace.com account. It's like this but you can add more pictures and it looks a little prettier.

Anyway, Finals start next Monday for me. I finally turned in my two week notice to my Quiznos job so hopfully my last day will be the 11th of December. Then my winter break will begin until the 3rd of January. I'm looking forward to it. While I'm there for break I want to look into getting a temp office job for some extra cash and to while away my time.

I think I'm getting stressed about my finals, well my BioChemistry Final in particular. I really have no clue in that class. No clue at all and it just happends to be my major. Anyway I can tell that I'm stressed because I'm not doing anything. I think it's something like a defense mechanism. When my brain feels threatened with some last minute cramming, it will either shut down or send signals to me "not to care."

Anyway, I need to get ready for work. I like the people just not the management.

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