I came across this & I really liked it:
Watch your thoughts, for they become words.
Watch your words, for they become actions.
Watch your actions, for they become habits.
Watch your habits, for they become character.
Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.
So does it mean that our thoughts are the ones that determines our destiny? And our character, our habits and actions, and words? Geez. Thoughts are that powerful!
I miss writing and reading blogs, but lately no one's really into writing.. No one is really writing... And by writing I mean writings instead of random rants. Like, a good read. I have been so lousy with books because I always end up reading half way through, lol, champion.
In other news, I stumbled upon the words 可可香奈儿 (时尚女王) which means Coco Chanel in PPS just now!! 8D
Church tmrw so I have to force myself to sleep now. & I can't wait for
EMERGE that is happening next weekend. In fact it's happening this coming Friday - Sunday. Also I've just heard from my cell leader that F.I.R is coming for Emerge as well. O_O!! !!!!
I hope he's not lying to me.. :)