*** Oh, and this, before I sign off:

May 14, 2007 20:38

Hey Punk! Yeah, you, I mean you, you retarded little SHIT.

When you swerve into the middle lane IN FRONT OF ME (from the fast lane) in dense traffic (when there are acres of empty lane behind me), when I and *all traffic around us* are going 60 mph, and you (on your cell phone) are going 50 MPH, and when you then proceed to remain driving slowly in front of me in traffic so dense I can't get around and display no intelligble reason for doing so... and when I then (after a full 60 seconds) flash my lights at you to remind you that driving the speed limit (rather than talking on your cell phone) should be your priority, ... and when you THEN do the angry-daddy-"I'm-gonna-pull-this-car-over-and-knock-some-heads"/arm-around-the-passenger-head-rest turn around maneuver to face me eye to eye for a full three to five seconds while we both drive on the FREEWAY (still at 50 mph) to give me the "oh no you di'n't" intimidation glare...

Don't expect me to be impressed, YOU FUCK.

And, certainly, don't then get behind me and drive up on my tail and follow me for several miles all aggressively and expect any reaction from ME, you little CUNT.

(and if you *do* happen to be my IRL friend Dan, whom you strongly resembled, then hey dude, long time no see! we should get together!, and **no offense**, man, BUT YOU CAN'T DRIVE FOR SHIT WHILE ON THE CELL PHONE AND YOU NEED TO GIVE THAT UP or you're going to get hurt.)


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