Wrong Things, a review

Mar 19, 2007 08:21

Wrong Things, Poppy Z Brite and CRK

This is a collection of three shorts which I really enjoyed.  PZB is a very strong short story writer (not an engaged in her novels - trying to read Soul Kitchen...).  All three offerings in this were engaging and disturbing, as intended.

It is very satisfying when a world is delivered so completely in a short story - so much conveyed in so little space.  More than in a novel, what is left out sets the tone.

However, I find the reading of collections of shorts to be unsatisfying... I like to sink my teeth in. I like to get swept away... I like to engage in a story universe for a period of days, not an hour... For example, reading on exercise equipment, completing one short and then turning immediately to the next is not conducive to enjoyment.

While these shorts are good and entertaining, I need to read them one at a time and then put the book down and then be with the universe for a while and let it go, before I can move on.

As a collection, I enjoyed this, and I enjoy the completeness of the picture painted in a short, and yet, it leaves me dissatisfied.

EDIT: I want longer. I want more.

review, crk, books

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