Why am I a music binger? I just am. I did three weeks of Audioslave and now I'm on day 7 of Black Lable Society. Nothing else will do.
I watch this "program" in the hopes of finding new music I like. Last night we saw mostly crap. There was one Megadeath video, which sucked, although they do have about the most classic guitar sound evar. There are too many commercials, so we change the channels a lot and we missed some Pantera videos. The rest of what we saw was really pretty bad.
The guests were members of Goatwhore, a band whose sound I like but whose deathy vocals leave me wanting to change the channel. As I told C, I can't decide whether I really like their classic thrash sound, or whether I just like the name so much that I give them the benefit of the doubt. Don't think I'll rush out and buy it.
The first video was a band called Dragonforce, known for playing about 60 beats per second. And, yes, they are FAST. But who wants to listen to that sappy, ballad sounding crap? It's the Yanni of metal. Dragonforce? Really? It feels/sounds/quacks like something my sixth grade self would have thought was TEH COOL!
Followed by Amon Amarth, with their catchy tune "Runes to My Memory". Again, the thrash/guitar sound worked for me, and these vikings looked the part of Teh Celtic Band, but enough with the garbage disposal vocals already. (again, my 6th grade self is really impressed, although my present self likes the viking look)
Seemless did a song called Cast No Shadow. C and I agreed that we liked the sound of this band. Will keep an eye out for them.
Cannibal Corpse: Lame
How did I miss the Helmet video? I dig Helmet.
The megadeath video (Gears of War, live) sucked, but again, what a guitar sound. And Dave sure has pretty hair.
Goatwhore: Alchemy of the Black Sun Cult - good sound, lame vocals
All That Remains: The Air That I Breathe: video sucked, due to the strobe effect, and I didn't like the song, but they have a chick bass player who does not look like a porn star, and you know I dig that.
Damage Plan: missed it
Pantera videos x 4: Missed them, till the very end. Pantera rocks.
Then MTV2 did a tribute to Dimebag Darrel, which was cool. Nice "awareness raising" use of the medium.
In Summary: Might keep an ear out for other music by Seemless and I dig Goatwhore's thrash guitar sound, but I still hate the death metal vocals in all but very few songs.
Been stretching a lot lately, about five nights a week for about 20 minutes after our mutual foot massage session on the couch. My hips are totally opening up and my hamstrings are 6 inches longer than they were three months ago. Also my spine rotates a LOT, which is very comfortable. I need to move the stretching into the upper back, arms, and chest more as I increase my weights at the gym. All in all, my body and I are starting to get along right well. Even my joint pain is under control with Omega3s, turmeric, glucosamine, and L-Lysine. Still have that strange pain in my left hip, feels like it's just south of the joint, and it hurts when touched on the outside more than in motion - but it is less now than before.
Stretching is good.