Moral of the Story: Don't eat the whole apple rhubarb pie

Aug 10, 2006 08:08

We've been diet conscious around here lately. Working out a LOT, eating very well. Only problem is that with summer comes ripe fruit in the yard and I've been feeling like I can't let it go to waste. I must've baked ten cherry desserts when the pie cherry tree was ripe, and I put a bunch of cherries in the freezer for later use. Now the early apple tree is falling-down ripe and the later apple tree is getting there.

I've been giving them away, foisting them on unsuspecting colleagues, practically begging the neighbors to take some.

Turns out no one wants my ripe green apples, but I did get an offer of rhubarb from the woman next door, which I, of course, accepted. (Who can say no to rhubarb?)

The early apples are SO delicious this year. By far the best they've tasted since we bought the house. I pick about 8 pounds at a time and they sit on the counter. Two nights ago, I peeled about ten pounds of apples for later use.

Then, last night while the spanish rice and chicken mole were cooking, I diced about six apples and three spears of rhubarb, mixed them with cinnamon, about 2/3 cup of splenda, and some agar agar, and following directions explicitly, turned them into a prepared pie shell - no lid. Never cooked a fruit pie without a top crust before. Baked it at 420 for 40 minutes. The top fruit layer looked dried out, but after it cooled, the whole thing held together very well.

Dinner was excellent, and C and I had been virtuous, restraining ourselves to modest portions. We were both dubious of this pie... and it's not "on the diet" but the only bad calories are from the crust... 80 cals per 1/8 pie slice.

I cut the questionable pie in quarters and served it up, each of us a quarter.

It was freakishly delicious.

After about ten minutes of not saying anything, we both went back for seconds and

We ate the whole pie in one sitting.

Oh My God was I full.

Still am full this morning.

The thing to figure out tonight is how to eat only 1/8 of a pie, because you know I've got to bake another one.

I'm also going to do some apple rhubarb bran muffins. Been baking bran muffins like crazy lately and they are getting pretty tasty with all the practice.

fitness, mawwiage

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