My next vid is actually two. Yes I've created two vids from the same song, dumb huh? Why you may ask? Well, the idea was that the lyrics of the song IMO suited the Fraser/Francesca relationship. However, when I started vidding it I noticed that I'd accidentally stuck a Vecchio clip in it. When I played it back I found I liked the way it went with the music. However, as the lyrics don't really fit the Fraser/Vecchio relationship, I continued with the Fraser/Francesca one as well:) Why didn't you abandon the Fraser/Vecchio one I hear you cry, well if you see all the lengthy clips I have of Fraser and Ray dancing, you'll know why *G* I'm not overly keen on the way this song is performed here, I don't think it works particularly well as a duet, as there aren't two parts. Also, it doesn't seem to make much sense to me, in that the singers are both of the opposite sex and seem to be singing about the same person. (An early form of slash perhaps?) I don't know if the cover version is the same, but I don't have access to that one anyway. I do like the lyrics even if I find the performance odd and even that's beginning to grow on me since I've listened to it so much while I've been vidding it.
If anyone does download both, could you let me know which one you prefer, or which one you dislike the most *G*, it'll me useful for me to know:)
To download the Fraser & Francesca one (not a proper pairing) go here: To download the Fraser/Vecchio one go here: