I came across this website
http://www.makemebabies.com on my flist for seeing what babies would look like between two celebrities. I've managed to do a boy and girl for Benton Fraser and Ray Kowalski, as well as for Napoleon Solo and Illya Kuryakin. I haven't got around to doing anymore yet. For some reason the boy and girl for Napoleon and Illya look almost identical, whilst the ones for Benton and Ray look completely different, yet I used the same photos for each. For my results
Boy and girl of Benton Fraser and Ray Kowalski
And the boy and girl of Napoleon and Illya:
I wonder why there's so much difference in what the offspring will look like. The Fraser and Kowalski girl also seems to have red hair, now where that comes from given her parents would be a brunette and a blond is anyone's guess.